Order Lighting for a farm on a turnkey basis

Lighting on a pig farm, like any other equipment, plays an important role. In each section of production, properly organized lighting affects production indicators: at insemination – the percentage of insemination,gestation – the number of abortions, at farrowing – lighting affects the comfort of animals and convenience for operators in work, at weaners  and finishers, with light, you can increase daily gain …

It will be interesting for you if...


low insemination rate, as the possibility of a lack of light


you want automatic light control according to the set norms of production


your employees are not comfortable working at dusk

Stages of implementation


Consideration of the application


Identifying problems


Equipment selection


Preparation of a commercial offer


Equipment supply


Installation of equipment

Our projects


Maintenance of sows for questioning and insemination:
- Daltec cable-washer feeding system,
- Multifan fans,
- VVM auger feeding system for fattening pigs,
- Microclimate system TPI, CTI, SLPK-14

Supply of equipment: FEEDING SYSTEM for “Waiting”, for “Farrowing” for “Growing; WATERING SYSTEM for "Farrowing", for "Insemination", for "Waiting", for "Growing"; MICROCLIMATE SYSTEM on "Farrowing", on "Insemination", on "Waiting", on "Growing"; HOUSING SYSTEM on the “Boar” on the “Farrowing”, on the “Insemination”, on the “Waiting”, on the “Growing”


Supply of equipment and installation supervision on a turnkey basis with start-up, adjustment and remote maintenance for half a year. As well as the supply of sows through the partner company Fransagro

See other projects

Our specialists

Natalia Slipets

- More than 15 years experience in pig production;
- The way from a student trainee to a manager on a pig farm in Denmark - 96 months;
- Designed and launched more than 15 facilities in the CIS;
- Experience in developing technological projects for the Danish manufacturer of pig breeding equipment Ikadan - 5 years

Alexander Tereshko

- Practical experience in industrial pig breeding for more than 10 years (from the chief veterinarian of STK to a technologist-consultant);
- Internship/practice/visiting advanced farms in Denmark (1.5 years), Belgium, Poland, Russia in order to study and exchange work experience;
- Consulting, technical support - from pig farms to large agricultural holdings.

Benoit Gaudin

- More than 20 years of experience in pig breeding;
- Technological support of pig farms in Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, China, Canada, and other countries;
- Provision of consulting and auditing services for various companies in pig breeding complexes.

Our partners